How a DDC System Can Enhance Your Business Operations
With a DDC system in place, you can monitor your HVAC, lighting, and related systems from a centralized station, either in-house or remotely. Using a network of wired or Wi-Fi-enabled sensors, you can capture environmental data such as temperature, humidity, pressure, air quality, and more to an application that can clean and organize this data, from which you can then extract actionable, value-added business insights. Change your workflows, add spare capacity, adjust usage schedules, or make important repairs as necessary – with minimal downtime and disruptions to your business processes.
Benefits of DDC Systems
With a DDC and BAS in place, facility owners, maintenance staff, and managers can:
With a DDC system, you can upgrade your outdated building controls and equip your facility with modern time- and cost-saving tools, technologies, and systems. Investment in a DDC makes sound business sense, and Edison Power is here to help you plan and roll out a system-wide upgrade.
With a DDC and BAS in place, facility owners, maintenance staff, and managers can: